Two public forums were held this week to get community input on what they would like to see in the future at the Knoxville Public Library. George Larson, a library building consultant based out of Ames, met with residents, past and present library staff and trustees to “write a recipe for library services for the next 20 years”.

A variety of suggestions were made touching on the need for larger office and work space for staff, a more appropriate storage area, more comfortable seating areas and the addition of study rooms. Attendees also mentioned how they feel it is important for the community to feel like they can use the library as a gathering space, the need to maintain the high standard of children’s programs and the importance of keeping books at the library instead of leaving them behind as technology continues to advance.

The information gathered at the forums will now be compiled and used as suggestions as the city and library board of trustees makes future plans for the library.

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