Marion County Public Health Director Kim Dorn has filed a formal complaint against Supervisors Craig Agan and Jim Kingery. The complaint was filed last week and will be entered into the record during this afternoon’s Board of Health meeting. Dorn claims the Board of Health improperly closed a meeting at Agan’s suggestion last month while discussing her job performance. Agan is the Supervisors’ representative on the Board of Health. Dorn claims Agan and Kingery have made decisions affecting the Public Health Department outside the open meeting law regulations. She also alleges that Agan and Kingery have harassed both her and employees at Marion County Public Health.

The full complaint is located within the agenda for this afternoon’s meeting. To read it, scroll down past the financials in the middle of the PDF file.

UPDATE: Kingery and Agan have both released statements to KNIA/KRLS regarding the matter. The full transcripts are below.

Kingery: The charges are baseless. When residents of Marion County present concerns involving any department controlled or supported by Marion County, it is my responsibility as an elected official to look into these issues. I’m just doing my job.

Agan: As a supervisor for Marion County, and as the Board of Supervisors appointed representative to the Board of Health, I am firmly committed to ensuring that the Marion County Health Department provides the citizens of Marion County with the best possible services. The job of the Board of Health is to make sure the people hired to provide the needed services share our commitment and are provided the resources necessary to complete the mission. I will work diligently with the board and employees to find practical solutions for any problems that arise for the benefit of all the citizens of Marion County.


At the Marion County Board of Health Meeting yesterday afternoon, chaired by Pat Stockton, this issue was discussed, and statements were made by both Agan and Dorn. After discussion, it was agreed that the best course of action would be for all members of the Board of Supervisors to work through the Board of Health in addressing any concerns or issues with Public Health staff rather than contacting employees directly.