Governor Kim Reynolds, Lt. Governor Adam Gregg, and U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta were all in attendance for a signing ceremony in Des Moines Wednesday for the first student enrolling in the new apprenticeship program at the Career Academy of Pella.
Charles Vander Velden will be the first student to enroll next academic year in a welding apprenticeship program developed in a partnership between the Pella Community School District and Vermeer Corporation, and backed by Governor Kim Reynolds’ statewide Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics initiatives. He will be paid to train and work, while receiving both class credit and potential certification in welding.
Teri Vos with Vermeer and Pella High School Principal Eric Nelson presented at a governor’s roundtable at the Future Ready Iowa Summit earlier this week about the new program aimed to prepare students for a career in advanced manufacturing. At the summit, the governor signed the Future Ready Iowa act that passed both the Iowa House and Senate unanimously and aims to bolster educational opportunities tailored to the types of careers available in Iowa. Dave Landon with Vermeer, as well as Pella Schools Director of K-12 Instruction Lowell Ernst and Welding Instructor Sheila Graham assisted with development of the apprenticeship as well.
Tune in to KNIA/KRLS Friday to hear from Vander Velden and Nelson about their trip to Des Moines.