Christian Opportunity Center will play host to members of the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce tomorrow evening, as they present what the organization has to offer to persons with disabilities in need of job training.

The Center will be the location for Business After Hours, a quarterly networking session sponsored by the Chamber which allows members to get together in a casual environment.

The Center has for the past few months shared space with Freedom for Youth Ministries at 111 South Third Street; they use their location during the day for life skills training and employment services for their clients.

Amy Zuck from Christian Opportunity Center tells KNIA/KRLS News this will be an opportunity to introduce their services to segments of the community which may not be familiar with what they provide.

“Here in Knoxville we have our Life Skills program…we also have a residential home (where) we serve people. We do supported community living, so we help individuals who live on their own. We have someone that comes in, helps them with just everyday living needs,” Zuck says.

“And then we also have our community-based employment; and that’s kind of what we’re wanting to focus on. And that’s when we work with people with disabilities to find them jobs within the community.”

The Center also recently acquired an office of its down just a few doors down, which is being developed for future usage.

Business After Hours will run on Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. It’s open to Chamber members and anyone else wishing to attend.

You can find out more about Christian Opportunity Center on today’s edition of Let’s Talk Knoxville.