As the 2020 Census continues Iowa is currently ranked 4th in the country with a 67.9% response rate. In Marion County,  Pella leads the way in responding to the census according to Ellisa Johnson, deputy regional director for the U.S. Census Bureau Chicago Region. Johnson tells KNIA/KRLS News Pella is doing an outstanding job but Knoxville and some of the smaller communities in Marion County could use a boost. Johnson says Knoxville is currently sitting at a 66.8% response rate while Pella is at 75%. She says Indianola in Warren county is also doing well at 70.7 %. She says the Census Bureau is keeping their eye on a few communities to make sure individuals who haven’t responded yet are appropriately responding to help better their communities. 

According to Johnson, this is the first year citizens can respond to the census via the internet and phone as well as the traditional way through the mail. Johnson says responding to the census is so important because the census has a major impact on our communities and she wants to make sure it is a positive impact and not a negative one. She says the census helps dictate and prioritize where funds are directed to help with schools being built, health care and senior programs as well as many more areas that need the funding.

Currently census takers are working with administrators at colleges, senior centers, prisons, and other facilities that house large groups of people to make sure everyone is counted. Starting August 11th the census takers will interview households that haven’t responded to the 2020 Census to help make sure everyone is counted. The Census Bureau will deliver apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law in December.