Area shoppers anxious to save some money on back-to-school purchases made last weekend’s state tax holiday a successful one at Pella retailers. Mike Schuring, owner of Franklin Street Clothing in Pella said he enjoyed a strong uptick in customers last weekend, which he said also included some race fans that were in the area for the 360 Nationals. Schuring, who is also the president of the Pella Chamber of Commerce adds that the tax-free weekend is almost as busy for shoppers as the so-called “Black Friday” after Thanksgiving.
Darin Schuknecht, assistant manager at Brown’s Shoe Fit says that Saturday was particularly busy, adding that many parents were looking to save a little money on items they were already planning to buy. He says their store also saw a number of race fans in town last weekend, and says that number has increased this week during the 50th Anniversary of the Knoxville Nationals.