Recent reports have noted an increase in rates of diabetes world wide. Numbers from the Center for Disease Control show a nearly four-fold increase in the number of cases domestically between 1980 and 2009 with nearly 20 million Americans afflicted.
Locally, that trend has also been seen. Marsha Collins, a physicians assistant in the Diabetes Management Program at Pella Regional Health Center says the disease has become more manageable over the years.
New developments in measuring glucose levels have made it easier for people to control. She says the recent prevalence comes largely from poor diet and lack of exercise.
There are two types of diabetes, types 1 and 2. Type one carries with it a lifelong dependence on insulin while type two can often times be alleviated with behavioral changes.
Symptoms include increased thirst and slow healing for bruises and vision can also be affected.
A simple blood test by your doctor can tell you if you have diabetes and what treatment is necessary.