The Knoxville Community School Board selected SVPA as the architect for the proposed auditorium project last night. The vote was 3-1, with Tim McDonald voting against and Stephanie Vickroy absent. McDonald expressed that he would rather see Struxture Architects receive the project, but commented multiple times that he thought both firms would do an excellent job. The board discussed a preliminary timeline for the project, saying that they would like to see the project complete by the end of the summer of 2014. They will discuss the project more at their next meeting, on August 8.
The board also discussed acceptable use policies for the new MacBook Pros that students and teachers in the district will be using as part of the one-to-one program. They received a policy packet that was put together with help from Apple and other schools that use the one-to-one program, but there was some confusion about what the policy stated, especially in the case of what can be downloaded onto the computers off of school grounds. Dr. Randy Flack, superintendent of the district, told the board he make further inquiries to area schools and Apple, and they would have a finalized version to approve at the August 8 meeting.
The board also approved the dairy and bread bids for the 2011-12 school year. Receiving the dairy bid is Robert’s Dairy; Sara Lee received the bread bid.