PCM head boys basketball coach, Fred Lorensen, has put together a 49 – 4 record the last two seasons, and his Mustangs team has the makings this season of adding even more to the correct side of the column. Lorensen told KNIA/KRLS Sports that his roster is filled with guys that can shoot, especially from the three-point stripe.
“We have a group of kids that should be really well-balanced scoring-wise,” Lorensen said. “They can all shoot the ball from the perimeter; even our big kids can shoot the ball well from the perimeter. They’re hard-working kids; we should be a defensive team and a good rebounding team. We just hope that we can mesh together; a couple of these kids that played varsity didn’t play a lot with the kids that played on the JV team last year. We think they’re going to mix well together and we’re looking for good things from them.”
Lorensen also said that the transition for some of his kids from JV to varsity play will be tough, because the style of play from both squads is so different. The Mustangs boys’ basketball team opens their 2012-13 season on the road at Gilbert this Tuesday.