Trying to get on a healthy eating path can seem challenging. Hy-Vee Dietitian Caitlin Rondello tells KNIA/KRLS News the best way to get started is to make sure you’re buying healthy snacks. Those include things like fruits and vegetables, yogurts, and some nuts. She suggests making sure those snacks are at eye-level on your shelves and that they’re out on your counter as well, as you’ll naturally be drawn to them if they’re the first things you see.
Pella Regional Health Center has released some tips for healthy eating during Nutrition Month. Some of the guidelines include filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, switching to low-fat milk, and varying protein sources. As part of nutrition month, PRHC is continuing their program called “Nutrition for our Neighbors”, where boxes are set out in the hospital to collect food donations for the Pella food pantry.