As we enter in the second half of August, it’s time to start school! The 2013-14 school year starts in Marion County Thursday as Twin Cedars opens their doors to students. Knoxville and Pleasantville both start school on Monday. Knoxville has their meet your teacher night on Thursday evening from 4-to-6pm.; Pleasantville has their district-wide open house on Friday from 5-7pm. Melcher-Dallas begins school next Wednesday; their elementary open house is on Tuesday.

Tonight, Pella High will host their freshman and transfer student orientation at 7pm. Madison and Lincoln schools will host their orientation Monday from 2pm to 3:30pm, while Jefferson will be from 2pm to 4pm. Pella Christian High School will host new students, freshmen, and transfer students on Monday from 8:25 am to noon, while the grade school will host their open house Friday from 5:30 pm to 7 pm. PCM schools will have a district wide open house from 5pm to 7pm Monday at the elementary and high schools in Monroe, and the elementary and middle schools in Prairie City.