Pella High’s boys’ tennis players were all over the board after the Knoxville tennis tournament on Saturday. Jamison Roozeboom and Tom Pettit teamed up and took first place in doubles, and teammates Sam Dykstra and Colin Jones placed second. In the singles’ matches, Nathan Chaplin was third for the Little Dutch, and Isaiah Martin was fourth. Full results can be found listed below. Pella’s boys play Ottumwa on the road on Monday.
Knoxville Tournament Results- 4/18
Team Scoring: Pella 1st
Jamison Roozeboom/Tom Pettit 1st place
Sam Dykstra/Colin Jones 2nd place
Ben Lauritsen/Michael Reed 6th place
Nathan Chaplin 3rd place
Isaiah Martin 4th place
Ani Tangellapalli 5th place