A flurry of bills have made their way out of the Iowa House this session.
Representative Guy Vander Linden says legislation has passed the house that would lift a ban on firearms for children under the age of 14 with direct parental supervision.
Vander Linden dismissed any arguments that toddlers would begin to use guns, and says this is “common sense” legislation to conform the code to other standing laws.
“It allows parents to exercise their right to train their children to use handguns, in essence, which they can do already with long guns,” he tells KNIA/KRLS News. “The hoopla was all about one and two year olds using guns — that’s not going to happen. If we have parents that are that irresponsible, making it illegal isn’t going to deter them either.”
He is unsure if the bill will pass in the Senate, but says it drew bipartisan support in the House.