Marion County Courthouse
The Marion County Courthouse may be used for Warren County trials and other business beginning next week.

The Fifth District Judicial Court has determined that the Warren County Courthouse is unfit for human occupation because of plumbing and other problems. The court has also determined that there is no other viable venue for court business in Warren County. The court has called for extensive remodeling or for a new facility. Given the conditions of the building, asbestos removal and plumbing work will begin Monday. While it is anticipated that court matters will be able to be conducted at times during that week, there is a possibility that trials and other court business will be moved to Marion and Madison Counties, and other counties if needed. If trials are moved, jury selection will come from a pool of Warren County citizens. Court service is planned for Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. No clear timeline for how long the Marion County Courthouse will be used for has been determined.