October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Pella Regional Health Center wants fans to “Paint the Stands Pink” at designated games at Pella Christian (Oct. 7) and Pella High (Oct. 14). Cyndi Atkins with Pella Regional says fans are encouraged to “add pink” in support and memory of those who battle breast cancer. Fans will also be able to sport “pink” with pink face tattoos of their schools’ logo, pink pompoms and bracelets, with all items provided by Pella Regional Health Center.

Student council members Bailee Meyer and Juliana Van Gorp have been involved in planning at Pella High School. At Pella Christian High School, Dan Branderhorst, Amy Bandstra, cheer coach, the cheerleaders, as well as others, have helped with the breast cancer awareness events.

“Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. Statistics indicate that one in eight women will develop breast cancer sometime in her lifetime,” said Dr. Alison Smith, Radiologist at Pella Regional. “The stage at which breast cancer is detected influences a woman’s chance of survival. Early detection and a reduced number of callbacks are important for so many women. The tools for finding breast cancer early include 3D tomosynthesis which is available for all screening patients at Pella Regional Health Center.”

Throughout the month, Pella Regional Health Center is promoting awareness of breast cancer and encouraging people to remember to do regular breast self-exams and annual mammograms. The hospital is hosting Pella in Pink, a 2K Walk/Run fundraiser for breast cancer awareness at the Tulip Toren on Saturday, Oct. 15 at 8 am and also the KNIA/KRLS Radiothon on Thursday, Oct. 13 from 4-7 pm.

Fans who wish to purchase the $5 “Fight Cancer” T-shirt can order those online at http://bit.ly/PHSCancer with the event code: united.