The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce will hold their Annual Awards Banquet tomorrow night.
The banquet will take place at the Grand Theater with the evening starting with a social hour including hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and cash bar at 6:30pm. The Impact Awards will follow at 7:30 p.m. The Awards are presented to individuals who have been nominated for their contributions to our community. The categories for the awards are business, volunteer, educator, agriculturist, and citizen. Chamber President Jacob Hughes tells KNIA/KRLS News what the banquet is meant for chamber members to get together, socialize and discuss issues and events for the coming year. Tickets for the banquet are $20 and are available in advance at the Chamber of Commerce, or may be purchased at the door. Here is a list of nominees:
Congratulations to these nominees for the 2017 Impact Awards:
Business of the Year:
Candi’s Flowers and Atlantic & Pacific Pub
Integrative Counseling Solutions, Inc., Cheryl Garland
Educator of the Year:
Angie Mitchell
Bob Leonard
Agriculturalist of the Year:
Dave & Natalie Rowley & Family
Mike Van Natta
Volunteer of the Year:
Kitty and Bill Shepherd
Kay Jensen
Jim & Angie Uitermarkt
Matthew C. Job “Pride in Knoxville”:
Will Prather
Annie Leonard