Pella Rotary members hosted fellow Rotarians from around the state and midwest at a special picnic Wednesday night.
The group hosted Rotarians ahead of their visit to the Iowa State Fair today, including Past President Ray Klinginsmith. He tells KNIA/KRLS News he has fond memories of Pella, and was happy to return.
“I’ve always loved Pella, I started coming here as a child to the Tulip Festivals,” he says. “Since we’ve established the Rotary Day at the Iowa State Fair, it seemed like an excellent place to make a stop.”
Klinginsmith says Rotary plays a pivotal role in their communities and across the globe, with over 1.2 million members worldwide.
“We promote fellowship among our members, we also do community service, vocational service, we have high ethical standards, and we do international service,” he says. The group works with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the Centers for Disease Control.
The day of fellowship with area Rotarians included Dutch food specialties, dancing and singing demonstrations from the Pella Dutchesses, and a tour of the city of Pella.