Potential city council candidates can begin to file papers for candidacy in the upcoming November 7th election.

Prospective candidates must complete and submit an affidavit of candidacy with nomination papers signed by at least 25 eligible electors. All forms must be filed with the Marion County Auditor by Thursday, September 21st at 5 p.m. Documents are available at the Marion County Courthouse, Pella City Hall, and online at city websites.

In Pella, the Ward 1 (Dan Vander Beek), Ward 3 (Bruce Schiebout), and an at-large seat (Mark De Jong) are all up for reelection. In Knoxville, Mayor Brian Hatch’s seat, and the spots held by Councilmembers Dylan Morse and Megan Suhr are up for election. Mayor William K. Moore’s seat and the spots of councilmembers John Franey and Jordan Van Ness in Pleasantville will be on the November ballot as well.

City of Pella City Council Election information packet: http://www.cityofpella.com/DocumentCenter/Home/View/445
County Mayors and Councils (as of January, 2016, not accounting for resignations): http://www.co.marion.ia.us/election_docs/city/CityMayorsCouncils_1-01-2016.pdf