Candidates have filed their papers for candidacy for the upcoming city elections on Tuesday, November 7th.
Anyone wanting to be placed on the ballot needed to file paperwork by 5 p.m. Thursday at the Marion County Auditor’s Office.
According to the Marion County Auditor’s Office, two races will be contested in Pella. Ward one includes incumbent Dan Vander Beek and challenger Lynn Branderhorst. The at-large seat currently held by Mark DeJong is receiving a challenge from both Rhonda Kermode and Dan Spotten in a three-way race. Bruce Scheibout is running unopposed in ward three.
Two at-large seats are contested in Knoxville, with incumbents Megan Suhr and Dylan Morse in a race with Jason Everly. Both Suhr and Morse were appointed to serve on the council after resignations. Mayor Brian Hatch is running unopposed.
In Pleasantville, AJ Potter, Jordan Van Ness, and Clinton Wallace are all running for two at-large seats. Mayor Bill Moore is running unopposed as well.
Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS to hear from this year’s city council candidates and the latest about the 2017 election.
Other area ballots:
Mayor (Vote 1):
Barbara J. Van Wyk
City Council – At-Large – Vote 2:
Chris Heaton
Mark Herold
Mayor (Vote 1):
Dennis Seibert
City Council – At-Large – Vote 5:
Charles W Evans
Tyler Geery
Martin R Heaton
Jamie Vander Veer
Sue Ver Meer
Mayor (Vote 1):
Larry Pinegar
City Council At-Large (Vote 2):
Leann Sanders
Stephanie Sterner
City Council At-Large (Vote 5):
David Heywood