The Knoxville City Council will meet in regular session tomorrow.
The council will be greeted by cub scouts who will lead the council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the pledge, participants in the Knoxville Leadership Academy will be recognized and receive their certificates of completion. The council will consider a resolution for the disposal of a property at 110 West Douglas Street to a Knoxville resident who will demolish the property. They will consider a resolution to adopt an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to garbage and refuse for commercial haulers. The council will consider a citizen’s request to review a water bill as well as consider the approval for Knoxville Fire and Rescue to use the fire department memorial funds to purchase cold weather apparel in the amount of $2,000. The council will also discuss and take possible action regarding the replacing of stairs at 125 South Third Street. The meeting will begin at 6:15 p.m. and will be held in the Municipal Building Council Chambers.