Knoxville veterans who served during Vietnam will be recognized during a special recognition ceremony on November 8th at 7 p.m. at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center.

Any veteran who served on active duty anywhere in the world from November 1, 1955 until May 15, 1975 is eligible to be recognized. Post Commander for Baty Tucker Post 168 of the American Legion, Curt Froyen tells KNIA/KRLS News the veterans will be presented with a special Vietnam lapel pin as well as a certificate of recognition. The recognition ceremony will also honor the surviving parents, spouses, siblings and children of the Knoxville residents who were killed in action in Vietnam. To hear the complete interview with Curt Froyen tune in for today’s In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. In order to be recognized during the ceremony veterans are asked to email Curt Froyen at or call 641-891-7170 with your name and branch of service.