The Knoxville City Council met in regular session Monday. The council began the meeting with the pledge of allegiance led by local cub scouts.

Following the pledge, the cub scouts took turns asking the council a variety of questions. At the meeting, the council awarded certificates and honored graduates of the first ever Knoxville Leadership Academy. They approved the disposal of a property at 110 West Douglas Street, to be demolished by a Knoxville resident. The council held a discussion regarding the current city garbage haulers ordinance, in which the council voted 4-1 to approve first consideration, while waiving second and third considerations to amend the ordinance to no longer limit the number of commercial and residential trash haulers for the city. The current city code only allowed for three commercial haulers, which the council was made aware could potentially be in violation of state code. The council also approved the purchase of cold weather apparel for Knoxville Fire and Rescue to be made using Fire Department Memorial Funds not to exceed $2,000. They also discussed two citizen requests, one for the review of a high water bill and the other for the potential repairing of stairs at 125 South Third Street, with no formal action taken.

Knoxville Leadership Academy Graduates Include:
Jennifer Schmidt
Sarah Neary
Andrew Neary
Tara Gordon
Jacqueline Sharp
Joann Schissel
Tiffany Hopkins
Mike Cox
Bridget Mohler
Larissa VanDonselaar
Eric Mohler
Brandy Snodgrass
Katie Truetken
Chelsea Bagby
Dylan Morse
Elly Shaw
Hannah VanderVeer