October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Pella Regional Health Center wants football fans in the Tulip City to “Paint the Stands Pink.”
The hospital has designated games at Pella High School (Oct. 6) and Pella Christian (Oct. 13) as nights where everyone in attendance is encouraged to “add pink” in support and memory of those who battle breast cancer.
Student council members at Pella High School have been involved in planning this week’s event, and the Pella Christian cheer team is organizing next week’s efforts. Fans will also be able to sport “pink” with pink face tattoos of their schools’ logo, pink spirit towels and bracelets, with all items provided by Pella Regional Health Center.
Throughout the month, Pella Regional Health Center is promoting awareness of breast cancer and encouraging people to remember to do regular breast self-exams and annual mammograms. The hospital is hosting Pella in Pink, a 2K Walk/Run fundraiser for breast cancer awareness at the Tulip Toren this Saturday at 8 am, with the KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio playing music and providing announcements.
KNIA/KRLS, Pella Regional Health Center, Knoxville Hospital and Clinics, and Marion County Public Health are partnering for the 11th annual KNIA/KRLS Breast Cancer Awareness Radiothon, with the first of two broadcasts in Pella tomorrow from 4 to 7 p.m.