On Thursday the Pleasantville Chamber of Commerce will hold their Annual Chamber Dinner and Awards Banquet at the Pleasantville Memorial Hall at 6:30 p.m.
Assistant State Coordinator for Main Street Iowa, Darlene Strachan will be the keynote speaker. Awards will be handed out during the event which include Michelle Green Real Estate for 2017 Business of the Year, Glenadean Betterton for Volunteer of the Year and Nancy Kay Naaktgeboren for Lifetime Achievement. Tickets for the banquet are $25 per person and are available at Peoples Bank in Pleasantville or mail checks to PO Box 672, Pleasantville, IA 50225, and your tickets will be waiting at the door. Be sure to include contact information with your check. For more information, please call/text (515) 975-2052 or e-mail Director@PleasantvilleChamber.org