On Monday Knoxville Police Chief Dan Losada reported the Police Department’s 2017 statistics to the Knoxville City Council.
According to Chief Losada’s report, there were 178 accidents reported, which is 26 less than 2016. 17 people were injured in those accidents, 9 less than 2016, with no fatalities reported. An area that saw a sharp rise in 2017 was the number of drunk driving arrests which soared to 73, a ten year high and 29 more than in 2016. According to Juvenile Court Services, a total of 61 juvenile referrals were made by the Knoxville Police Department, 31% of all Marion County referrals. The total number of traffic stops made in 2017 rose 17% to 4205, another ten year high, which resulted in 1654 traffic citations being written. According to Chief Losada the numbers show the increased demands being put on officers at the Knoxville Police Department.