The deadline to purchase tickets to this year’s Sugar Plum Fairy Ball is Saturday.
Tickets are $25 per couple and $10 for any additional children and may be purchased at Iowa State Savings Bank or Eye Health Solutions in Knoxville. Tickets will not be available at the door the day of the event. Organizer of the event Penni Sommar tells KNIA/KRLS News tickets need to be purchased prior to the event because she wants to make sure their are enough supplies for everyone who attends. She says the ball will feature a craft event with everyone going home with a craft as well as bingo, prize drawings, a dessert bar and a DJ. Treasured Portraits will also be at the event taking pictures. The ball will be held Saturday, February 3rd at Celebrate Community Church in Knoxville from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. This is the fourth year the ball will be held and will also feature 2017 Miss Iowa who will perform during the event. The dance is a fundraiser for the library expansion project.