The Knoxville City Council met in regular session Tuesday.
The council set three public hearing dates for February 19th to consider approval of the the fiscal year 2018-19 budget as well as consider approval of plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Knoxville public library expansion project and consider approval of a commercial development site plan for 861 West Bell Avenue which is the site of a proposed Dollar Tree store. They approved the 2018 sidewalk rehab project as well as approved support of the 3M plant expansion. 3M will receive funds from the Iowa Economic Development Authority for their expansion, but to receive those funds the city has to make a 20 percent match which equates to $44,000. The council approved second consideration to an amendment to the city code pertaining to golf cart and off-road vehicle operations in the city. The amendment will require a $25 permit fee for all golf carts and off road vehicles as well as require drivers to be at least 18 years of age, provide proof of insurance and to have the vehicle inspected.