The Pella City Council put a temporary halt to house building permits along Oskaloosa Street and the sale of fireworks in the community at their meeting this week.

City Administrator Mike Nardini says the council voted to place a moratorium on the new house building permits on Oskaloosa Street between Main and East 3rd Street until the council can develop an economic plan for the corridor later this year.

“Since we’re in the process of trying to develop plans, one of the areas along the corridor that’s been brought to the attention of the city is at the intersection of Oskaloosa Street and Clark Street–there are vacant properties located at this area,” Nardini says. “Our concern is within that area is that if there is redevelopment, specifically any type of residential redevelopment with a single-family, two family, or duplex home that’s constructed on one of those vacant lots, that can really influence future development in that corridor.”

Fireworks sales were also stopped until June 1st or until council updates ordinances related to the sale and use of fireworks in the city limits. Nardini says discussion about fireworks and a proposed microbrewery zoning code update are on the agenda of the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission at their Monday, March 26th meeting.