Pella Historical Society and Museums is seeking the community’s support in preserving historic treasures locally.
The first time Pella Historical Director Valerie Van Kooten plugged in something at the Scholte House in September 2016, puffs of smoke came from the outlet, and that gave her inspiration to protect their buildings.
“I knew the wiring was bad, but it was evident that we were one spark away from a fire that would destroy the house,” Van Kooten says.
When Pella Historical Society and Museums (PHSM) launched a $2.5 million Forging Our Future fund drive in June of last year, it was the Scholte House—as well as the gardens adjoining it and the Wyatt Earp House—that were renovation priorities for the board and staff. So far, Van Kooten says the fund drive has gone well, with more than 130 businesses, organizations, and individuals contributing. With the public’s help, she says they can reach the $2.5 million goal and finish all the projects that need to be done.
From Van Kooten:
The Scholte House will be rewired, the structure will be strengthened, historic wallpaper will be cleaned and in some places reproduced, and the kitchen will be remodeled to make it more functional for events. Rewiring has begun and should be completed this spring. While the Scholte House will be open during Tulip Time, it will be closed the rest of 2018. The lot next to the Scholte House was donated to PHSM by Casey’s General Stores. It will become a lovely garden space suitable for public strolling and private events. The Wyatt Earp House (also known as the Van Spanckeren Row Houses) will replace windows and doors, remediate mold, and have its soft Pella brick tuck-pointed. The fund drive will also include money to replace the security system.
For more information, go to under the “About” tab or call Director Valerie Van Kooten at (641) 628-1541 or Associate Director Allison Limke at (641) 628-2409. Donations may be mailed to 507 Franklin Street, dropped by the business offices in the Vermeer Mill, or made through the “Donate” button on PHSM’s website.