Today is Good Friday, a day of important remembrance to those in the Christian faith.
Sophie Mathonnet-Vanderwell with 2nd Reformed Church in Pella says the week leading up to Easter is considered the “Holy Week.”
“It’s the events that unfolded in the last days of Jesus’s life, from his entry into Jerusalem with a parade by the people–something we call Palm Sunday, until and through the events of the week until his last supper in an upper room in Jerusalem with his disciples, and then being arrested and tried and executed basically on the cross the following day, and then to the experience by the disciples of the empty tomb on the morning of the first day of the week, which we would call Easter Sunday,” she says.
Mathonnet-Vanderwell says Good Friday itself is the day on which the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated.
“So Good Friday is the actual day of the crucifixion, in the middle of the day, actually, according to the gospels,” she says. “So a lot of churches have services at noon, some Churches have services in the evening, but it’s sort of a solemn, somber day to remember that event [and] the cross.”
Find a list of area churches and their Good Friday and Easter services under “Church News” on the left tab on the website.