The South Central Regional Airport Agency (SCRAA) held a public information meeting as the land acquisition phase approaches for a potential regional airport in Mahaska County Thursday.

The meeting started with an overview of the land acquisition process and representatives with HDR, the project’s engineering firm, answered questions and concerns from those potentially impacted. The topics discussed by those in attendance included how land acquisition works, the impact of the 220th Ave replacement of the land needed, eminent domain law, the timeline of acquisition, how the airport will be paid for.

Jerry Searle from HDR said if land acquisition starts immediately, it could take up to three years, including those who accept an agreement or through condemnation or eminent domain. He also discussed how they plan to ask for funding, and says it is all mostly done by a fiscal year basis, and not all at once. How the cities of Pella and Oskaloosa will pay for their portions of the airport will be up to their respective city councils.

They did not have a specific timeline for when the process begins, but representatives from HDR estimate the appraisal process could start sometime in 2019.

Following questions about land sales, additional concerns were raised about the need of combining the two airports.