Several bike-safety events will be held for children ready to begin their summer breaks in Pleasantville and Knoxville.

On May 25th, “Protect Your Melon” will be held in front of the Webb-Shadle Memorial Library and on June 4th, “Helmets and Hot Dogs” will take place in Knoxville in the City Hall parking lot.

Both events will have a helmet exchange, helmet safety checks, bike safety training, and prizes. State Representative Greg Heartsill tells KNIA/KRLS News the message targeted towards kids is to show them what happens to a melon dropped without a helmet on compared to what happens when a helmet is being worn.

Heartsill says the physical demonstration is a great way to get kids to understand why helmets are important, and a way to teach them about basic safety on bicycles. For more information on both events, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.