The Pella City Council was looking to the future of their facilities at their meeting Tuesday.
During policy and planning following regular business, the council discussed repairs to the ceiling of the community center gymnasium. It has been closed since May due to damaged tiles and drywall coming apart. An assessment by an engineer from Klingner and Associates determined the cost of potential repairs is between $50,000 and $150,000, based on how the council would proceed.
City Administrator Mike Nardini tells KNIA/KRLS News the council did not take formal action, but did direct city staff to wait until a facility needs assessment was completed.
“As we talk in the context of a long term plan, the city has several options for repairing and they range from short-term usage up to medium-term usage to long-term,” Nardini says. “Those decisions should not be made until we know the overall fate of the community center, and then we can plan accordingly of the repair and life cycle for the gymnasium ceiling.”
Mayor Jim Mueller says they will need a “medium-term” solution until a new or renovated community center will even break ground. Community Services Director Jeanette Vaughan has indicated there is a need for the gym, and they have had to turn down potential rentals.
The community center gym will remain closed until 2019. During the regular meeting, they also approved the assessment to develop a new 20 year plan. The council is entering into a contract with Short Elliott and Hendrickson, Inc. to draft an assessment of all city facilities and vacant lots to determine growth and renovation needs through 2040. Nardini says a main focus of the assessment will be to update a 2013 study of the current community center, and to receive a formal recommendation on whether to renovate or build new.
The final report will be submitted to the Pella City Council in December.