A man who spent time as a child in a concentration camp in Belgium during WWII before being rescued by the British is coming to Pella to share his experience.
Dr. Dirk van Leenen is speaking at a public event on Thursday, September 13th at 7 p.m. in the Central College Cox-Snow Recital Hall. Van Leenen shares his real life experience, including how his father traveled Holland doing his part in resisting the Nazi occupation and saving lives.
Van Leenen holds a Doctorate in Horticulture and a Bachelor’s Degree in English. He lectures in schools and gives weekly presentations about WWII as he feels students aren’t educated enough about that time in history.
Dirk’s book series based on his experiences during the Holocaust include Resistance on a Bicycle, The Americans are Coming and The Last Train to the Concentration Camp. The event on September 13th is free to attend.