Parents in Pella are invited to an experience at numerous upcoming events to better learn how teenagers are hiding drugs.
Pella Police Lt. Paul Haase tells KNIA/KRLS News the “What You Don’t See” trailer from the Iowa Narcotics Officers Association is coming to town over the next two weeks, which shows parents how to help deal with the issue of drug use among youth.
“Inside the trailer is set up very similar to a teenager’s bedroom,” Haase says. “Inside, there are posters, there are items of drug paraphernalia, and there are other learning tools we are able to share with the parents.”
The trailer will be at the Pella Christian football game this Friday from 4 p.m. until the fourth quarter — and the same at the Pella home game on October 12th. Additionally, it will be at the Pella Fire Department Breakfast this Saturday morning from 6 to 10 a.m., and parent-teacher conferences at Pella Middle School on October 8th and Pella High School October 15th. All area parents are invited to learn more by attending the various events.