With temperatures dropping, the Indianola Police Department wants to remind drivers to stay safe on icy roads.
Captain Brian Sher tells KNIA News drivers should be prepared for the colder weather by keeping several key items in the vehicle
“It’s always important to keep some sort of safety kit inside your car, especially if you are traveling outside of town. Try to always have a blanket, winter weather gear such as gloves, a hat, and a coat, a flashlight, and jumper cables to name a few. But it’s just as important to just slow down and don’t be in a hurry, because it’s not just your safety it can affect everyone.”
Sher also said in the event of an accident, to first make sure you, your passengers, and the other drivers are uninjured, to stay in your car, call 911 and know your location to give emergency personnel a more accurate idea of where to respond.