The Knoxville Music Boosters have received Hy-Vee’s share of the money they earned from their homecoming tailgate party at Hy-Vee…to the tune of $801 dollars.
Hy-Vee manager Kelly Kayser formally presented the check to the music program on Wednesday; she tells KNIA/KRLS News the store sponsored the party, and the kids earned their share by waiting on diners.
“Donations came from the Hy-Vee tailgate we did; we partnered with the kids in the Music Boosters program,” Kayser says. “They came out, and we matched every donation they had up to $2,000, which resulted in an $801 donation to the Music Boosters.”
The music program is using the funds raised to purchase new instruments for students to use; Kayser says an order has already been placed.