Veterans Day will be taking place this weekend, and it will have a stirring beginning Thursday morning with the annual flag raising at Graceland Cemetery.
The American Legion, the VFW, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other organizations will be represented at the ceremony; Curt Froyen is Commander of the Baty-Tucker American Legion Post in Knoxville, and he tells KNIA/KRLS News it will begin on time and follow a set script..
“That ends then with the raising of the flags, and we’ll fire a volley of three rounds with members of our American Legion Honor Guard. We’re going to start around seven o’clock,” Froyen says.
This is the first of several observances in honor of those who have served our country; on Monday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. the American Legion posts in Melcher-Dallas and Knoxville will join forces to deliver gift packages to veterans at West Ridge Specialty Care. Melcher-Dallas has been doing this for years, and this time has invited Knoxville to join them.
Then at 4:30 p.m. specially-made Quilts of Valor will be presented at the Knoxville High School Commons to veterans of World War II and Korea — the last remaining ones from our area who have not received one.
The removal of the flags at Graceland Cemetery will be performed on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.