Budding lawyers from Knoxville are meeting their counterparts from around the state this week, during the annual middle school mock trial competition.
Teams from around Iowa have each been given the same case, and are expected to provide testimony, evidence and legal precedents to back up their arguments. The actual outcome of the case is academic; the results will be based on students’ performance, and how well they adhered to courtroom procedure and the rules of evidence.
Marion County Attorney Ed Bull has helped advise the students as they prepared for this competition; Lisa Hermsen from Knoxville Middle School is coaching the team, and she tells KNIA/KRLS News this year’s participants have previous experience with mock trial and are better-prepared this year.
“This particular group, with the exception of maybe two, did mock trial last year as seventh graders. So they’ve had the experience; and just going through a trial a couple of times makes them just that much more prepared to do it again,” Hermsen says.
“We have a different case this year, of course, but I know they came this year a lot more prepared than they were last year.”
The students quickly learned how much the real practice of law differs from what they may have seen on TV; and Hermsen says whether or not a student chooses to go into law, the experience itself will benefit them as they move into adulthood.
You can find out more about the Knoxville Middle School mock trial team on today’s edition of Let’s Talk Knoxville.