The Knoxville Chamber’s director is still less than a year into her job, but she and the members of the Chamber Board of Directors are laying out a plan for the coming year which is meant to expand interest in the local business community for years to come.

Hannah Vander Veer says she and the board met in October to outline their vision for the Chamber’s objectives and purpose; their latest meeting earlier this week helped reinforce their commitment to building interest in what the city has to offer.

She tells KNIA/KRLS News they will follow four points in strengthening local business; these include positioning the Knoxville Chamber as the most important resource for existing and potential businesses, and using a stronger local economy to improve the city’s quality of life.

“Businesses in Knoxville will understand the importance and have the routine of engaging with the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce regularly; and Knoxville Chamber of Commerce will be the tourism sales arm of the Knoxville community,” Vander Veer says.

The Chamber is seeking a larger share of funds from the city’s hotel-motel tax fund, which will be used for staff purposes; and Vander Veer says they will work over the next few months to encourage local businesses to capitalize on the week of Nationals in as many ways as possible.