January 14th marks the start of the Spring Session of the Iowa House, and the start of Jon Thorup’s first term representing the 28th District; and he’s hoping to get off to a fast start.

Thorup says he’s already been communicating with House leadership and colleagues on both sides of the aisle; he says the same concerns which were brought out during the election are still present, as the state deals with issues such as the Medicaid situation and mental health.

Thorup tells KNIA/KRLS News he still looks at the budget, and sees plenty of areas where cuts can be made to eliminate wasteful spending.

“When I look at the budget, and I’ve looked at the budget for years…the thing that never stops surprising me, I guess, is just looking at different aspects of the budget and seeing where, is there waste here? What’s going on with this? Just looking at little line-item issues…like I said, that never stops amazing me,” Thorup says.

While he may be new to the House, he’s not alone; Thorup says there are nearly two dozen others who are just starting out, and he’s been in touch with most of them as he starts to build relationships within the body.

For more on Jon Thorup’s preparations for his service in the Iowa House, tune in to today’s edition of Let’s Talk Knoxville.