The ongoing federal government shutdown could pose problems for Marion County families which receive federal assistance for their homes, as they worry about whether this funding will continue.

The Low Rent Housing Agency of Knoxville works with families getting federal housing assistance; 263 families receiving vouchers to help cover the cost of their homes could lose this funding if the shutdown extends beyond February.

Susan Swartzendruber is executive director for the agency; she tells KNIA/KRLS News the agency does have some reserve funds available to keep helping their clients for a little while longer.

“A lot of housing agencies around the country do not have a reserve; at this housing agency, we’re fortunate enough to have at least a one-month reserve on hand so we would be able to continue with our half-payments towards the landlords up until April 1st if the government were on shutdown for that extended period of time,” Swartzendruber says.

A number of families have contacted the Low Rent Housing Agency to find out if funds will be available, and seek reassurance they won’t face problems if the shutdown continues.

Swartzendruber notes this is not the first time the government has gone through a shutdown, and she believes things will eventually return to normal.

But she says it’s difficult to get updated information on this funding, because they work through the Department of Housing and Urban Development office in Kansas City — and everyone there is on furlough.