
Lawmakers in Iowa have approved education funding for K-12 schools.The Iowa House and Senate approved a package this week that includes an $89.3 million increase for K-12 schools, including state supplemental aid and money to even out transportation and state aid disparities between districts.

State Senator Ken Rozenboom says the over 2.3 percent package will provide a “big boost” to schools and allows districts to plan their budgets accordingly. Pella Superintendent Greg Ebeling says the two percent increase is closer to what they need to roll their books effectively year-to-year, but says the district will only avoid future cuts if the number stays or goes above that mark.

Later this session, Rozenboom anticipates lawmakers will consider the extension of the SAVE (Secure an Advanced Vision for Education) tax. Senate File 74 would continue the one-cent sales tax for school infrastructure to 2049. The Senate version places tighter restrictions on how the SAVE dollars can be spent as well.