A cup of coffee, and a chance to discuss issues with his constituents; Rep. Jon Thorup stopped by Mr. C’s Restaurant in Knoxville on Saturday, for one of several forums he plans to attend on a regular basis to discuss state issues directly with voters.
Sen. Amy Sinclair was unable to attend due to illness.
One issue brought up was a needle exchange program for the state; Rep. Thorup says he’s still researching the issue, but notes 33 states already offer such a program and it may give him an opportunity to find out the long-term benefits or concerns of offering needles to intravenous drug users.
He tells KNIA/KRLS News Iowa as well as the rest of the nation faces a problem with opioid addiction, and having access to a needle exchange may actually be the first step for some addicts to admitting they have a problem and seeking help.
“Somebody that’s coming in and exchanging needles is going to be seeing a nurse or some kind of a healthcare provider, somewhat frequently but definitely more frequently than they would if they were not visiting that particular clinic or hospital or whatever the case may be,” Rep. Thorup says.
“They’re going to be able to visit those people, and it’s just going to give them more exposure to options to get out of that addiction cycle.”
Thorup was also asked about a bill which would take nomination of judges out of the hands of the Iowa State Bar, and give it directly to the public. He says he’s not satisfied with some aspects of the bill, and changes are being discussed; but it may not matter because there isn’t enough support in the House for it to go through.