
The Pella FFA Chapter competed at Central College this week for the sub district competition. Director Jacob Bowers says they had many members compete in a variety of leadership and skill events, which helps prepare students for the professional world and improve their career readiness. Results include:

Gold Advancing to Districts:
Creed Speaking, Marie Vander Wilt

Gold 3rd Place Individual (Sponsored by Co-Line)
Welding, Trett Langstraat

Gold 2nd Place Team (Sponsored by Co-Line)
Trett Langstraat, Brandon Ruisch, and John Fetty

Gold Alternate to Districts:
Job Interview, Shianne Votava applying for a veterinary assistant position.

Gold Rating:
FFA Knowledge Quiz: Shianne Votava, Amber VanGorp, and Sierra VanderWeerdt

Bronze Rating:
Ag Sales: Travis Mitchell acting as a salesman for Lely.
Conduct of Meetings Team: Sydney Davis, Bailey McLaughlin, Olivia DeHaan-Burch, Ethan Klyn, Grant Rumer, Jayden Jansen, and Bradley VanderWilt