Even though the Marion County Board of Supervisors has a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, it had to call a special meeting on Friday for items which required immediate attention.
The Board further discussed a proposal from the Knoxville Senior Board to offer its own congregate meal service, as well as taking over the Meals on Wheels program in Knoxville from the county.
The county wants to revamp its program and use the Christian Opportunity Center to prepare and deliver meals; the Senior Board wants to continue to provide meals at the Knoxville Senior Center, located in the basement of Knoxville City Hall.
The Senior Board plans on taking over for the county on April 1st; it wants to buy up the kitchen equipment at the center for one dollar, and needs to know if that will happen before anything else can occur.
Board Chairman Mark Raymie is all for the idea, but his main concern is whether this program can sustain itself in the long run; he and the other board members received more detailed information about how they would operate, but some processes have to be worked out.
The Board decided to take formal action Tuesday on whether to sell the kitchen equipment; a list of what the county can sell and what it would like to keep will be compiled, and further details about the Senior Center operation may be provided.
The Board also authorized publication of the budget for fiscal year 2019-2020, which was due by Friday afternoon; and members heard further details about two possible health plans for county employees, eventually concluding they should be able to make a choice at their Tuesday meeting.