The spring Home Shopping Extravaganza begins tomorrow, and home shoppers across our listening area are preparing to tune in and find the best possible deals on a wide variety of items…all courtesy of area merchants.
KNIA/KRLS General Manager Jim Butler says there’s about a quarter of a million dollars worth of merchandise on the table; he tells KNIA/KRLS News shoppers this time around will have a chance to put in for items in the evening as well as during the day.
“When we started this many, many years ago we used to do this in the evening and then we got away from the evening. We heard some people say, ‘I don’t get off from work until a certain time and I can’t listen at work; but by the time I get home you guys are done,’” Butler says.
“So this year, we have added on Tuesday and Wednesday night we’re actually going to come back on at six o’clock, and will be here from six until 7:30 or until the phone calls stop, to give people a chance to buy during the evening.”
The daytime broadcasts on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will continue on their usual schedule; calls will be taken from 10:00 a.m. until noon, and then from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Be sure to go to kniakrls.com for a complete listing of items available for purchase; quantities are limited, so the sooner you buy the better your chance of the deal you’re looking for.