
Knoxville High School will be sending seven students on to the state speech finals, after they qualified during district competition this past weekend.

All seven earned a Division I rating, the highest available; they advance from the districts in Grinnell to the state finals in Eldridge on March 9th.

Together they earned eight Division I rankings, with one student qualifying in two events. Three students received Division II rankings, not enough to advance…but two of the three qualified for Division I in other categories.

Melcher-Dallas High School will have eight students representing them at state; the school received Division I in 13 different categories, with five students receiving multiple wins.

The school received another six Division II ratings, with three of those six students qualified for Division I.


Qualifiers include:


Division One Ratings (Advance to State):

Storytelling – Jaron Sedlock  – I

Spontaneous Speaking – Nyan Baker  – I

Spontaneous Speaking  – Tierney Heffron –   I

Spontaneous Speaking  – Asa Leonard – I

Expository Address – Jaron Sedlock  – I

Literary Program  – Johanna Leonard  – I

Original Oratory  – Alaina Gerdes – I

Solo Musical Theatre  – Katelynn Collins –   I



After Dinner  – Daniel Ramaeker  – II

Original Oratory  – Asa Leonard –   II

Improvisation  – Nyan Baker –   II



Division I Rating (advancing to state)

Angel Beaty I

Cameron Davis (2 events) I

J’Lyn Knutson I

Elizabeth Milburn (2 events) I

Evan Putz (2 events) I

Grace Overgaard I

Abby Tadder (2 events) I

Sarah Hyatt (2 events) I

Aeris Turner

Emma Heaberlin


Division II

DoraMae Bennett II

Grace Overgaard II

Angel Beaty II

Kristina Wilson II

Mackenzie Putz II