The trial of a Marion County man charged with first-degree murder in his mother’s death gets underway today in Council Bluffs; it was moved there because of the pre-trial publicity surrounding the case, which has wound up generating national interest.
Jason Carter is charged with the June 2015 shooting death of his mother Shirley; Marion County Attorney Ed Bull is expected to argue his motive was financial, because he was on the verge of losing his own farm due to heavy debts and needed support from his father. He says Jason Carter had a strained relationship with Shirley Carter, but believed he could work with his father if she were out of the way.
The defense led by attorney Christine Branstad is expected to say police homed in on her client as their only suspect, disregarding a number of other potential perpetrators they had interviewed during the course of the investigation.
Atypically for such a case, Carter first faced a civil trial in his mother’s death in which the jury found him liable; he was arrested shortly afterwards, and the defense says information about other possible suspects only became known to them after he was taken into custody.
The trial begins with jury selection in Council Bluffs; a panel of twelve jurors and two alternates is expected to hear testimony over the course of about four weeks.