Fourth graders at Northstar Elementary in Knoxville have been given important advice about gun safety, and what to do and not do if they should come across a firearm.
A presentation in February by the Knoxville Police Department introduced the students to Eddie Eagle, a cartoon character who taught them what to do should they find a gun; the emphasis is on coming across one in public, although they also get advice on avoiding a firearm belonging to their parents or relatives in the home.
Officer Kyle Keller tells KNIA/KRLS News the kids see a video showing them such a situation, and reminds them of what to do; they also do activities to ensure the message is clear.
“We have them do some activities; they have to try to draw and use their imagination to think of better ways to show the different parts of the slogan, ‘Stop, Don’t Touch, Run Away, Tell a Grown-up,’” Ofc. Keller says.
“We try to get them just to kind of interact a little bit more, work in groups; answer our questions, just kind of work with us a little bit more. We don’t want them just to sit there and not take anything in.”
Ofc. Keller says he knows of no incident in the past few years around Knoxville in which a child found a firearm out in public; but he says it’s still important for adults to reinforce this message to children, so that they will be prepared in case such a situation ever does occur.